Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Quick Little Taste

Ha, got toooooo excited to wait

So I've created a quick little taster of three different pairs of shoes I've customized... The proper photos will probably follow tomorrow!


Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Things Sound Better Through Headphones

So, got another styling shoot to do for uni. I've got 101 ideas streaming through my head as I block out all external sounds with mega amazing headphones.

Bought a wig for the shoot, mainly because I have an idea that won't really work if the model has short hair. It's just a synthetic thing, bought in the local costume shop.

And suddenly I remembered a post that Emma from uni (a very cool blogger) posted about chalking her hair! What a brilliant way to dye things, without making them at all permanent... especially since most hair dyes don't actually work on synthetic fibers... (her blog is here   check it out)

It means I can take the my little pony hair trend to my own level :D (only for the photoshoot mind, because the wig actually looks awful)

Class results though

Even if i'm not photogenic haha

Monday, 27 February 2012

Restless Fingers

So, a few people know this about me - I fucked up my ankle a while back, and since then haven't been able to wear many heels.

I do, however, own a lot of them.

So what am I going to do?

I'm gonna get well over excited with glitter, old t-shirts, sequins, sharpies and these:

Anyone who says Sunshine Brings Happiness has Never Danced in the Rain

I think I own only 2 pairs of shoes that I couldn't live without. The first, a pair of black and chrome boxing boots a girl from america gave me and have been worn down to threads.

The second, a pair of hi-tops.

Never been massively keen on Converse, or Nike's. But I found a lovely white pair in Norway similar to these:

Not quite the same, but I couldn't find a proper picture...

Bare in mind, I bought them about 5 years ago... so it was quite an effort to trawl through the internet trying to find a pair of shoes that are 5 years old.

The point is, after re-discovering my collection of coloured Sharpies, and getting a tad light-headed from working in a non-ventilated space... 
My amazing Subsoil's look like this:

Sunday, 26 February 2012

This Weeks List:

To Buy:

  • Food
  • 4 cans of spray paint - preferably metallic. One has to be chrome.
  • 3 pots of glitter - run out of red, blue and gold.
  • More pom poms
  • A few cheap 2nd hand shirts

To Do: