Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Things Sound Better Through Headphones

So, got another styling shoot to do for uni. I've got 101 ideas streaming through my head as I block out all external sounds with mega amazing headphones.

Bought a wig for the shoot, mainly because I have an idea that won't really work if the model has short hair. It's just a synthetic thing, bought in the local costume shop.

And suddenly I remembered a post that Emma from uni (a very cool blogger) posted about chalking her hair! What a brilliant way to dye things, without making them at all permanent... especially since most hair dyes don't actually work on synthetic fibers... (her blog is here   http://emmalouque.blogspot.com/   check it out)

It means I can take the my little pony hair trend to my own level :D (only for the photoshoot mind, because the wig actually looks awful)

Class results though

Even if i'm not photogenic haha